Sunday, September 27, 2015

On stress, being without, and goals

Things have finally settled down in my life.

I have a car that runs.

I have a bed, not new by any means, but it's one I can sleep on.

I still have my family, my friends. and my boyfriend.

And all of this has taught me that all things can be overcome. I felt so many times like it was all insurmountable but it really wasn't. Having something chemically wrong with your head can skew your perception of your life.

This made me think about people who don't have anything. Not just the things I momentarily didn't have. I mean that permanently or for extended periods of time, there are people who have nothing. Not even shoes.

I can't imagine being without these things. Our lives are made so convenient by amenities like ready transportation and internet access. We don't even stop to think what our lives would be like if we were like countless others, without food, shelter, warmth, and comfort.

I add onto that feeling, that some people who suffer without the basic needs of life, are also mentally ill. Can any of us say we know how they feel?

I can't even imagine how much worse my life could be. I'm glad I don't have to.

The stress from the last few months has changed me. I know it. But I've learned as well.

I found strength I didn't know I had. I'm grateful for that.

My plans are to apply for school locally, and learn to teach. May these plans come to fruition. I will not give up. It will happen.